Simple Dyed Eggs for Easter: Natural, Easy, and Uniquely Different!

ready for easterYears ago while an intern teacher a parent in passing described her family’s ‘old fashioned’ method of dying eggs for Easter. I was intrigued and could not wait to try them. Try them I did with an enthusiastic class of second-graders. From then on I often used this method for dying eggs. The eggs are exquisite. No pale pastels, no vibrant secondary colors but just beautiful bronze and gold hues. No dye or vinegar is needed. This method is environmentally friendly as there is no packaging. The fuel print for this method is nearly non-existent. No matter what, this is my favorite method for dying eggs! These are so unique and exquisite!

ingr dye eggs1 dozen white eggs. Egg should be fresh, not hard-boiled.

12 pieces of soft cotton. Any clean kitchen rag will do. I often save old T-shirts

just for this purpose. Each piece should be about 10 inches by 10.

Dry, brown leaves from outside. Any type will do as long as these are very dry. It doesn’t matter if they are whole leaves or pieces or what type of leaf you use.

Dried outer skins from large yellow onions. You will need enough onionskins to nearly fill a large coffee can, loosely packed. These do not need to be whole pieces, just large enough so several will wrap around the egg. I always forget to save up enough of these onion skins but the produce manager never minds if I come and raid his onion bin for the dried onionskins!

wrapping eggs

1/4 cup uncooked white rice grains.

12 long twist ties

On a piece of soft cotton place a few onionskins. Set fresh white egg on peel. Gather up some of the cloth to form a basket, or cup, around egg. Sprinkle a few grains of rice around the egg. Be sure rice is between egg and the onionskin. Add a few dried leaves. Cover with another piece of onionskin and twist cloth to be tight around egg. Use twist tie to fasten. Prepare all eggs the same way. Each egg is wrapped individually. Place all wrapped eggs in large pot of cold water. Be sure and cover eggs completely with water. unwrappingBring to a boil and boil 10 minutes. Remove egg ‘packages’ to rack to drip. Let set 5 minutes. Unwrap each egg and wipe off all the rice, leaves, and onion peel. Be prepared to be amazed!

beauty eggs







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