It doesn’t matter if you make your own pasta or buy it from the grocery store; Hard Salami Sauce is satisfying and delicious. I am still chuckling about this sauce. I cooked and tweaked, and tweaked and cooked this sauce. I wasn’t quite sure what to call it. I guess I was looking for something a bit more ‘catching’. A friend suggested I call it, now get ready for this..’Man Sauce’. Good gravy! I nearly choked! Man Sauce? I think not! She thought it would be perfect because every man would love it. Hmm, visions of my sister and I recently chowing down on a half-pound of deli hard salami came to mind. Out the window went that crazy name, not that I even considered it, and I decided it is what it is. So try this sauce, whether man or woman, and enjoy the light tomato sauce coating the crispy slices of hard salami. It is unique, light, sweet but a bit spicy, and definitely memorable.
8 ounces dry pasta, cooked al dente in salted water
48 1 ½ inch slices, or 4 ounces, of hard salami or its equivalent
1/3 cup diced, red onion
1 teaspoon minced garlic
½ teaspoon black pepper
*2 tablespoon diced pickled yellow peppers
1 1/2 cups vegetable stock or water
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
In a sauté pan cook the sliced hard salami on medium heat until just crispy. Remove pan from heat while you remove the salami from the pan to a plate, not a paper towel. Return pan to medium heat and add onion. Cook three minutes or until soft. Add garlic and stir. Immediately add stock and reduce heat to low. Stir well and add the pepper and tomato paste. Stir in the pickled, yellow, peppers. When blended stir in the crispy salami. Add drained pasta to sauce and mix well. Add 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil to pasta and sauce and mix gently. Divide into four portions and serve with Parmesan cheese.
*If you don’t want to use the peppers, use frozen green peas and add ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes.
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