Dress Up Your Table!

centerpieceFor years I have had a large dining room table and love it, especially when family or friends are gathered round to enjoy good food and conversation. I must admit it has taken me just about as many years to ‘train’ my family that the beautiful wood table is not a ‘catch-all’. Wallets, keys, and mail always seem to end up on that table. I remember when we purchased our new Amish table just a few years ago to replace our original table, I made my husband swear he would not clutter it. Well that lasted about 3 weeks. Now finally a few years later it is free of clutter nearly all the time. It took some patience and nagging (Go with your strengths!). I finally realized  an alternative space was needed for my husband’s things so I emptied a nearby buffet drawer and it seems to be doing the trick.Now that my table is free and clear of other thingsI love to decorate it table to match the season. Nothing elaborate or fancy, or more importantly expensive. My summer table decor usually involves fresh flowers from the garden. Late summer finds an old cream can and cat tails on the table. This fall I was cleaning out a closet and came upon some ancient rolls of colored burlap. Where these came from I don’t know, but think perhaps they were used years ago to help decorate some high school dance my daughter was working on. I am quite sure that is the source as there were some pink rolls, which i can’t imagine I would have bought for myself. Anyway I glued some strips together and set a large pumpkin right in the center and added some hydrangeas from the flower bed. It’s perfect and simple and made with what I had on hand, which is my favorite type of decorating. I had to smile as I was scanning Pinterest recently and saw something quite similar. Great minds think alike I guess! As I sit here typing and look out my windows I see some small cedars growing in the ditch. They have December written all over them. My Thanksgiving table decor will include turkey feathers I found in my turkey pen yesterday. Decorating with  what you have on hand is fun and practical!






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