Category: Spring Favorites
Simple But Tasty Baked Fish – Low Calorie Too!
Everyone knows fish is a healthy menu alternative. Forget the pre-breaded chunks from your grocer’s frozen section, or from your local drive-through. Fish is high is protein, high in good fats, and helps you feel full longer without that sluggish carbohydrate-overload feeling. Pick up plain, frozen, white-fleshed fish and bake it at home. If you…
Crispy Oven Potatoes
Popping potatoes in the oven for dinner is easy, and doesn’t need a recipe. Everyone makes them and they are good. I love oven potatoes because they can complete any simple meal. I have a little trick that speeds up the baking time and helps insure a crispy outer potato. Wash and scrub four…
Guiness Irish Stew – Just in Time For St. Patrick’s Day!
What could be more perfect for St. Patrick’s Day than a bowl of Irish Stew? Irish stew is good any day, but made with Guinness Beer it is just right for St. Patrick’s Day. Guiness, a stout beer, was first made in Dublin, Ireland in 1778. It is as popular today as it was then,…
Simple & Different Chicken Salad – Low-Fat & Low-Sodium
Chicken salad has always been a favorite of mine. It can be made without adding tons of fat by using fat-free mayonnaise or fat-free Greek yogurt. I like to use baked, boneless/skinless chicken breasts, but when in a pinch a rotisserie chicken from the market comes in so handy. This is delicious served on toasted…
Rhubarb Jam – It So Easy You Will Be Amazed!
Homemade jam seems complicated and mysterious to so many. It is not. I promise. Anyone who can scramble an egg, or make Mac & Cheese can make jam from this recipe. Why bother you may ask as you recall shelf after shelf full of jam and jellies at your market all made from a…
Mango-Chicken Curry! Low-Fat & Low-Salt. So Easy!
Chicken Curry is a comfort food that is unlike many other comfort foods as it is quick to make, low-fat and low sodium. The chicken is lean and baked. Use chicken breasts to be even a bit more lean’ The mango provides the flavor to make the creamy curry sauce in this dish so luscious!…
Make Your Own Breakfast Braid & Save A Little ‘Dough’!
Fruit-filled breakfast braids are available in the freezer section of your grocery store. They are rich, fragrant, and yes, just plain decadent. The fruit filling and sweet dough blend to make a sumptuous treat on any breakfast or buffet table. They are also …. expensive! These braids are easy to make yourself with frozen puff…
Noodles & Arugala – Fresh, Spring Side-Dish!
Arugula is available all year-long in most markets. You can usually find fresh, local, arugula every spring, and right through the growing season. Try this simple dish and be ready for a burst of freshness in every bite! 10 ounces wide, yolk-free noodles cooked according to package directions. 8 ounces fresh arugula, or…
Springtime Ham & Asparagus Roll-Ups
Asparagus is long-awaited every Spring. Once the spears emerge from the ground and are tall enough to harvest we eat it fresh, grilled or steamed, but eat it all the time! After we have our fill of ‘just plain’ asparagus it begins to surface in other favorite dishes. Ham Roll-Ups are a favorite, and…
Rhubarb-Maple Muffins! Yes, Spring Really Has Arrived!
Rhubarb heralds Spring in central Iowa more than anything else for me. As the weather warms and calendar pages turn I begin to nurse my rhubarb. I give it a few extra drinks of water. An old tire somehow magically appears around the spot where I know my rhubarb will eventually emerge. Now low and behold…