Happy New Year Smoothie – Start the Year Off Right!

No matter what good intentions I have over the holidays to keep my sanity when it comes to eating, I always over-eat. I  over-indulge in foods and drinks I have better control of all year long.  So once the leftovers are gone, the decorations put away, and I find myself feeling sluggish and annoyed with myself for eating everything in sight, I think healthy again.  I think all the sweets, all the carbs, and yes all the fats I indulge in for just a few days put me in a food coma! I loose my food sense. So then I get myself in gear and get busy eating sensibly once again. To kick-start my reborn sensibility I go for a smoothie for breakfast for a week or so. This smoothie is packed with antioxidants. It has fresh ginger which is known for its ability to restart sluggish digestion. It also has berries which contain good detoxifying enzymes. It is simply good for you anytime of the year, but post-Christmas is when I need it the most, and like it the best!


1 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 cup unsweetened frozen or fresh raspberries or cranberries

1/2 cup frozen or fresh pitted tart cherries or blueberries

2 tablespoons agave nectar

2 1/2 teaspoon freshly grated, peeled ginger root

3 teaspoons ground flax seed

1 tablespoon lime juice

Add all ingredients to blender. Puree until smooth. Makes 2 servings at about 150 calories each. Try different  combinations of the listed fruits to find the smoothie you like best!







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